Loving God
Loving People
Bringing Them Together

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Through the preaching and teaching of  the word, it is our desire to both glorify God and edify the body of Christ. Our prayer is that the messages found here will give you something you can use to grow in grace and knowledge of Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and find encouragement in your walk of faith.

Who we are  

For over 100 years our church was known as The Linden Church of God. This name served its purpose for generations but only expressed WHERE we were physically located. In 2021 we decided to change our name to a name that expressed not only where we are but WHO we are and WHY we exist. As a result, The Bridge At Linden became a reality. In Matthew 22 Jesus gave The Great Commandment; Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.  In Matthew 28 He gave the Great Commission; Go into all the world... Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:20 that we are "Ambassadors for Christ." Based on these scriptures we at The Bridge believe we exist for one reason expressed in three parts. We are determined to be a church that is:
Loving God, Loving People, and Bringing Them Together.

We are a Bridge:
Expressing the love of God to a lost and hurting world. 
Encouraging the follower of Christ in His faith.
Exposing all people to the light of God's truth and the glory of His presence.


Meet our Pastor
Tim Tatum

Pastor Tim and his wife Ann came to The Bridge in April of 2017 from their native state of Georgia. He answered the call to ministry in 1983 at the age of 16 and is an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God. He has served in full time ministry faithfully since 1991, serving in Youth Ministry, Children's Ministry, Worship Ministry and, since January of 2002 , Lead Pastor in Virginia, South Georgia and now in Florida. His greatest loves are his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, his wife Ann, his family, his church, The Bridge, his dogs Tucker and Bailey, and  his Georgia Bulldogs. He is committed to Loving God, Loving People, and Bringing Them Together.
Pastor Tim  just wants to be a Bridge.

Why the Bridge

The following video is a collection of testimonials ranging from people who have been life-long attenders of The Bridge, to those who have only within the last year become a part of our Bridge Family.  Click on Stories below to hear it from them.

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